The road, let’s travel

Fresh off of reading a great little book, Riding With Rilke by Ted Bishop, my wanderlust was revived and, well, lusty. I thought it might be cool to make a list of roads or routes that I would like to drive someday. Or ride, on a motorcycle, if I ever get up the nerve. (I’ve driven Going to the Sun Road, but I’m including it because everyone should drive it at least once.)

Here, I’ll link to articles about road trips I’d like to make or have made, and will also link to sites with information about scenic drives or road trips. If you would like to suggest a route, please leave it in the comments.


The roads

Vermont’s Scenic Route 100

Colorado River Scenic Byway

Kaibab Plateau – North Rim Parkway

Southern Maine to Nova Scotia’s Cape Breton Island

Highway 93 from Wickenburg, Arizona, to Jasper, Alberta (ending on the Icefields Parkway).

Going-To-the-Sun Road through Glacier National Park, Montana

Highway 12, from Torrey to Cannonville, Utah (or this link)- through Bryce Canyon National Park and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument

Beartooth Highway, Wyoming and Montana

Hwy 99, also known as the Sea To Sky Highway, from Vancouver to Whistler, British Columbia

U S Hwy 61 from Duluth, MN to the Canadian border (Stop along the way at  Split Rock Lighthouse)

Route 1, Big Sur Coast Highway, California

San Juan Skyway (U S Hwy 550) from Ouray to Durango, Colorado

Highway 76 from Taos to Pojoaque, New Mexico

Sky Island Parkway, Arizona

A 1200 mile loop on the back roads of Arizona


Before you go

America’s Byways

Montana Backroads


…And that’s why i have to go back
to so many places
there to find myself
and constantly examine myself
with no witness but the moon
and then whistle with joy,
ambling over rocks and clods of earth,
with no task but to live,
with no family but the road.

— Pablo Neruda

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Rachel May 8, 2011 at 1:09 pm

I love the open road, driving somewhere else…

I did drive HWY 1 in Cali, from San Diego to San Francisco & it was breath takingly Beautiful & those cliffs are scary driving the bends at night.

Dave January 29, 2013 at 6:42 pm

I highly recommend Rte 100 through central Vermont. Definitely one of the most scenic drives in the country, and spectacular in Fall. Here’s a guide;

Lilly Olvera March 11, 2024 at 3:11 pm

Thank you! Loads of material.

Jude Singer March 24, 2024 at 7:46 pm

You actually mentioned it well!

RobertPesee December 15, 2024 at 3:54 am

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