We have a new toilet, and it’s installed! Thanks for all the good advice since yesterday. I ended up calling my friend Mrs. B’s handyman, and he was able to install the toilet I lugged home from Home Depot.
Okay, so I didn’t lug it home. A nice man at Home Depot put it into my car. But I did help to carry it through part of my house. And Mr. Handyman even apologized for giving me the heavy end. Sure, it was totally an accident.
Seriously, though, I am so grateful to Mr. Handyman for coming over on short notice. Cross you fingers, everyone, that he won’t have to come back.
Tomorrow morning, we’re getting in the car and driving to here:
And then staying overnight here, at The Grand Hotel:
Yes, we’re going to keep the kids well away from the edge of the canyon, but these days? We’re going to keep a really close eye, and maybe even a leash, on Papa.*
*(I just call him Dad, but the kids call him Papa. Using their name for him makes the stories funnier, if you ask me.)
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Have fun…I’ve never been there:)
They have those cute little monkey packback/leashes now. I guess that would be awkward on Papa.
Have a great time. I want to make my way there someday soon.
seriously get that book I told you about
My, you all should have fun making jokes about it all weekend.
I’ve never seen the Grand Canyon and I’m desperately afraid of heights. So here’s me saying sit still at the edge of that canyon and don’t go too close to the edge. There, I got that out of my system. Oh and take some pictures for us!
Wowie! We’ve got NOTHING that looks like that in OUR neighborhood!
Have a wonderful time, take lots of pictures, and tell us the good stories!
So glad you got a new toilet!
I think you should get a really thick padded seat for next time Papa is over. Either that or install a trapeze bar he can hang onto when sitting down or getting up.
Still…it did give you some blog fodder, didn’t it?
Peace – D
Enjoy the view. Can you get to the North Rim? Maybe you don’t have time. I like it better, but the South Rim is the panoramic view that you always see in pictures, so everyone needs to go there at least once.
I like the North Rim better because it’s not nearly so crowded. Doesn’t even seem like it’s related to the same place.
I’m really excited about the hotel! Lucky to get one so close. But it has Starbucks (or close) and free internet! What more could you want from a mountain lodge? Of course, Mr. H never got you that laptop, did he? Maybe the perfume would work for a peek at a computer…..
Have a great time. Your kids will never forget it.
Ducky seems to have the scoop on how things will go.
Have fun!
Nice! I’d love to see the Grand Canyon someday – definitely keep the kids and the Papa-san away from the edge – hospital trips always put a bad spin on the day!
That hotel looked pretty sweet too…I’m very jealous!
Cool! I’ve never been, so I can’t wait to hear your take on it.
So glad to hear you got the toilet fixed/replaced! Have a great trip – it looks magicial and fabulous!! See you soon – Kellan
Oh I missed saying have a nice time .. because I was catching up on soap operas (sssh! its my one serious weakness after shopping) and then this morning Verizon screwed us over here at the office and fcuked up the internets! So see it can happen even to HUGE media companies…….I just stole another excellent blog label .. come steal it from me .. tho I dont find you anywhere near as verbose as I can be/am
My husband installed a new toilet a couple of months ago. It has a motor or something in it that makes it possible to suck a 200lb plus person through the hole (I just made that up). But anyway, the darn thing is THAT powerful. Good looking toilet mind you (as far as toilet looks go) but now no one wants to use it. The suction noise reminds me of plane engines. Have to go look at yours. Don’t know yet why you needed one but glad you got a new one.
On another note, wow, the Grand Canyon. Never been. Want to know what it is like. Hold on tight to the kids. Like Cce, I too am afraid (deathly) of heights.
Have fun at GC. I have only been there once, LOVED it. Words fail to describe it, so I won’t bother, lol. Have a nice hike for all us flatlanders in the Midwest, eh?
I am quite jealous. If you take a SINGLE photo and post it up here, I swear I may just have to kill you.
I hope you’re having a LOVELY time at the Grand Canyon. What an amazing place. Hope nobody falls in.
When I was little I would follow my Mom into the bathroom (what is it with kids and doing this?) But I digress… I’d sit on the edge of the tub, teetering. She’d say, “Don’t fall in the river…!”
The toilet and Grand Canyon do such justice to that memory.
Enjoy your trip.
How lovely! Have so much fun!!!!
Why are toilets so damn heavy? Good call on keeping Papa away from the rim. Um, of the canyon.
A new toilet and a trip to the Grand Canyon. You are a blessed woman this weekend! Enjoy.
My Dad was always Papa to my son as well. It definitely makes for better stories.
Hooray for new toilets! Hope you have a good vacation.
I’m crossing my fingers for no leaks!
LOL funny! Loved the whole Grand Canyon/toilet tie in. Which reminds me, I need to get Mrs. B’s Handyman over here soon. Especially since one of the girls wondered if daddy was “kidnapped by the tidy bowl man” the other day!
Always good to have a handyman.
Just catching up.