Why I won’t be wearing capri pants or shirts with sleeves that hit above the elbow, for the next several days. Or a bathing suit (okay, so that’s a bonus)…
A note: I’ve appreciated all the comments on my post from yesterday, and am delighted to find a common thread with so many of you. Then, this morning, I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers that is a perfect illustration of what I was trying to say.
Kyran Pittman at Notes to Self tells the story of how, in the space of a cab ride, she set her judgment aside to make room for curiosity and compassion, and heard a story she might not have expected.
Her writing always changes the way my day looks, and her blog is one of my favorites. If you’re not reading it already, I hope you will take a moment to discover a beautiful writer who writes beautifully. (Also, you should check out her article, Mommy Wears Prada, in the most recent issue of Good Housekeeping. )
{ 31 comments… read them below or add one }
I hear the zebra look is “in” this year.
suburbancorrespondents last blog post..I Saw The Best Minds Of My Generation Destroyed By Madness
Jennifer: I’ll have you know I spit out my coffee laughing. Is it that bad? Really?
Would it help ease the pain if I said it was good for a really long and hearty laugh?
HRHs last blog post..Next time Holly is going to get a root canal…
(And you’re not 40 yet, so according to those who are supposed to know about fashion, you’re still allowed to wear capri pants. Wasted days.)
Louises last blog post..Sunrise. Sunrise. And Some Awards.
Hey – at least you’re a drop-dead gorgeous zebra.
I’m hoping to start a new fashion revolution – “Fishbelly White IS Sexy.” Because it’s the only hope I have.
Jans last blog post..Alert the Media
Oh, NO!
Emily Rs last blog post..Numbers
We all get sucked in. That’s why we are laughing WITH you.
even funnier then when you told me about it on the phone. also — when are we to old to wear capris? crap.
Madges last blog post..Men I Love – Part Two
I have not yet tried that–although I love the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs. Too bad about that whole “lasts 7 days” thing.
Jenn @ Juggling Lifes last blog post..Mamma Mia!
Yeah, like nobody else has ever done that. I don’t suppose you would be willing to post pictures? No?
Wait, we aren’t allowed to wear capris if we are over 40? Who made that rule? btw, I just decided I’m going back to being 29 again.
Susans last blog post..Mimi’s Fantastic Dinner
Yipes! Stripes!
(somebody had to say it)
Hee, Hee, Hee. When my red headed husband, my red headed son, and I went to the lake a few weekends ago, we were the palest family on the beach. Everyone was grabbing their sunglasses to shield their eyes from our blindingly white bodies. But, we’ll look young and they’ll be saggy, wrinkly, and old, so HA!
I think you should post a photo of YOU. You know, just as a cautionary tale…
Thanks for the laugh!
Ooooh….uh oh. And, let’s see – on a day of 106 degrees with high humidity? Let’s yell “SUCKS” together, shall we? And, LOOFAH! Ah, this stinks….
Anns last blog post..Hype – Cookies vs. Batman
I even exfoliated first! Which really chaps my striped…well, you know. (If anyone knows of a self-tanner reversing product, email me. I beg you.)
Yeah, no. There won’t be any photos, as funny as it would be!
It has always mystified me that there are tanning salons and spray on tan for people that living Arizona. How can you ‘not’ have a tan here?
Bruces last blog post..Essential Cinema – 36
ROFL You’re hilarious.
I hear Zebra’s skin is striped beneath their hair…
Rheas last blog post..Homer
Oh, Bruce, you’re talking to a very fair, very freckled girl who burns when she stays out in the sun longer than it takes to put on sunscreen. So I either have to live with being pale (and entertain my indoor self by playing dot-to-dot between my freckles), or I have to seek professional tanning help.
As of right now, I’m abandoning my do-it-yourself ways. There’s a spray-tan booth calling my name. (Though I’m not convinced the stuff they spray is any safer than lying out in the sun. Still. That pesky skin cancer…)
Ooh – I thought orange was bad when I tried that junky lotion stuff. Zebra is probably worse. I’m not sure – would have to see the evidence.
I think you should call the tiny little 800 number on the back of the bottle and demand a reversal product. Or you can let me (your -ahem- lawyer) call on your behalf.
Zebras can be very pretty–at least it’s not orange girraffe splotches
Lisas last blog post..Is this karma?
I can not use any of this stuff without looking unnatural-I feel your stripes, I mean, pain.
I like zebras.
Do we get to see a real pic?
the mama bird diariess last blog post..my face-off with abby cadabby
Mock marketh the zebra! Semblance and encouraged makeshift copycatism of the four legged mammal that we know to live only for himself, for he is a selfish creature. Ways that mark our Capri, look to leather. Style is the sun. Mock it! Wear it! live it… Lie and live…
Trollpop Bagelstiens last blog post..Please Me Twice…
you kill me. Dude now would be perfect for bellydancing. You could hypnotize passers by with your stripes ;p
flutters last blog post..here’s a doozy
enter blood curdling scream here.
Tootsie Farklepantss last blog post..Nine Common Annoying Conversation Habits (AKA My List of Crap that Bugs Me and Two of Which I’m Guilty)
But, I LOVE zebras!
Thanks for sharing Notes to Self. I loved that post!
The zebra look–it sounds wild!
Hee! That’s why I’m too afraid to try it!
Oh no streaks and stripes! I am so sorry.
Jules~s last blog post..What Did I Order……
That is SO me.
I’ll check out that blog too.
Crazycaths last blog post..Wordless Wednesday
Hahahahahahaha! I toooooooooooooooootally want a picture!